Paid vacation

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Every now and then you just need a vacation. It becomes time to get away from your daily life and mix things up. Whether you go on a far away trip or just explore the city you’re in, a vacation can be just the thing you need. Have you ever wanted to get away, but know that the credit card bills when you get back are miserable and will undo all of the de-stressing from your trip? The trick to an amazing trip is to have a fully paid vacation. This requires a little bit of advance planning to save up so you can pay cash for the trip. These three tips will allow you to have a fully paid vacation.

Tip 1: Plan in advance for your paid vacation

Decide when you want to go on vacation and how much time you have between now and then. Think about how much money you’re able to save per month to put towards your vacation goal.

Tip 2: Determine the budget for your paid vacation

Once you know how many months you have to save and how much you can save per month, then you’ll know your budget. Once you know your budget, it’s time to decide where you’ll go on your paid vacation. When you consider where to stay, be sure to factor in that if you stay somewhere with a kitchen (like an airbnb) then you can cook a meal or two in, make sandwiches to eat on an adventure, or start the day with an inexpensive budget.

Tip 3: Check on your budget throughout the trip

While it’s really important to have fun on your trip, you want to make sure not to blow the budget and have the debt hangover when you return. One easy way to stay on budget without paying too much attention is to pay cash. If you take out cash and leave your credit card behind you won’t be able to overspend.

The pride you’ll feel when you return from a paid vacation is incredible. By planning in advance, determining your budget, and checking on your budget throughout the trip you can enjoy an amazing vacation without the debt hangover. If your vacation budget is small, get creative. Look online for things in the area that you haven’t checked out before and play tourist in your own town. Feel free to bring food for a scenic picnic. Make it more exciting by getting some friends together for a picture scavenger hunt around your city.

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